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Our Somatic Coaching Alliance

At all times, you are in control of where we are going. 


You are in the lead. I'm simply holding space for you to explore. If something doesn't feel right tell me, we'll explore something else or take a break. I will offer you different ideas to explore, but it's always up to you where we go and what we explore. 


Bring an experimental attitude. Coaching is about embracing a growth mindset, and somatic coaching offers a lot of little 'experiments' - short interventions that offer you a new perspective or a new way to sense into an idea or problem. Sometimes you'll learn a lot, sometimes it doesn't work. That's part of the game. 


Working with the unknown. Thinking about the future is always uncertain and accessing the intelligence of the body sometimes brings up emotions and stories that were hidden for a while. All of that can be exhilarating or uncomfortable, or both at once. That's ok. I'll hold a safe space for you to process what comes up. 


Interrupting. Unlike a traditional coaching process, interruption is a normal part of Somatic Coaching. This is because I will be listening to the whole of you: I am interested in both your story (your words) and what your body is expressing as the storyteller (your non-verbal communication). Therefore, there are times when I may interrupt to see what your body is communicating in the present moment, as this may be interesting for us to follow.


Correcting. Sometimes I might use words that don't feel right to you. Maybe I didn't remember the exact words you used when I repeat something back to you, or I share an idea that feels off to you. Please correct me. Offering this sort of feedback helps us strengthen our coaching alliance, and finding the right words helps you to connect deeper with what is emerging.


After the session. This is when the work really begins. You're responsible for taking the steps we identified together. Sometimes that will feel easy, sometimes it may feel hard. Growth comes from trying something new. 


Confidentiality and Privacy. What happens in our coaching session remains private and confidential. Your material is safe with me. I will not share it. As a Coach I agree to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coach Federation “(ICF)”. 

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